Friday, February 24, 2012

Pinafore Summer Dress

I made this cute little pinafore summer dress the other day and now I am wondering why I haven't made one of these dresses before? They are quicker and easier to make then a peasant dress. This is a great little starter dress or the perfect dress to make when you need a quick gift.

I made this one in about 30 minutes along with some matching bloomers.

I added two button holes on each strap to allow for more growth.
I used a pattern to make mine, but if you are looking for a free tutorial Smashed Peas and Carrots has a great one here.


  1. ooooo! i love that fabric! so cute

  2. Love the colors of the material you used. I tagged you in an 11 Random Things post! I hope you'll check it out.
    It's kind of fun.

  3. I want to make one of these, but I am still freaked out by the prospect of making clothes! Yours is ADORABLE!

  4. just perfect and the model is so sweet!!

  5. Do you mind sharing where you got your pattern from? I had actually seen smashed carrots already but my DD is too big for that one and my clothes making skills aren't developed enough to alter a pattern yet.. Thanks!

  6. Adorable dress! Love the fabric!

    Maysem @

  7. Gorgeous fabric!! I love those dresses. I need to make some this summer. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  8. Love the dress...what pattern did you use? I tried searching for one, but couldn't find one that criss-crossed and used buttons. Thanks!

  9. Congrats on your adorable dress being featured at Tatertots & Jello!

  10. I just made one of these last weekend for my niece who is due at the end of March! Well, I haven't done the button holes because they make me nervous. Maybe you could help? We must get together!!!


  11. erin, i would love to show you how to make a button hole. they are intimidating at first but once you make one you, your hooked!

    check out this link from a bloggy friend of mine, she is great and explains is so well!

  12. These is definitely great project. I like the fabric.

  13. I love love love this. Cute fabric. Where can I find the pattern in 18 mo -2t? I would love to make several for my Granddaughter for the summer. Thanks

  14. bonjour, serrait t il possible d avoir en pdf votre patron de robe pour petite fille? et vous l avez fait pour quel age ?

