Monday, February 27, 2012

"Momma, these don't look like Lorax fries."

I'm pretty sure you all know that The Lorax is in theatres today and sadly we wont be going. We are so bummed, but the hubby has to work. So instead I thought I would plan a fun Lorax filled meal for the kiddos tonight, but it was much harder then I thought...especially with an empty fridge. The only thing I could come up with was some Lorax fries made from sweet potatoes and some swomee-swans made out of fish cakes. Lets just say they looked more like gluppidty-glupp and schloppity-schlopp and therefore no pictures were taken. But we did have a fun night watching the older version of The Lorax and the kids even acted out there favorite scenes. I'm pretty sure you can guess which scene this is and who the super axe hacker was.
My little girl played the part of one of the swomee-swans, although she looked more like a chicken then a swan. But the funniest part was when we had a surprise visit from a one eye one horned flying purple people eater...hmm! Not sure why, but very funny nonetheless. I love these kids and their imaginations.
But what I love the most is how they were just as happy as can be watching the older version of The Lorax and the trailers for the new one.
Since I totally botched our special meal tonight I thought I would share with you some of the amazing Lorax treats I have seen.

Birthday Cake at Amandalynjones

cake pops from Bakerella

The Lorax Bento from Annathered

How amazing are those?! Have a great weekend and hope some of you are headed out to the theaters this weekend even though we wont be.

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks for the link! My friend Erin made the cake and it was the hit of the party!
