Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sorry I'm a little late on this one...

Giveaway winner was #15

Adriane said...These are lovely! I think my favorites are the white and pink chrysanthemum cute!

Congratulations Adriane, I will be sending you an email shortly!

And besides this little munchkin, the exciting news around here is that our little farm stand is open for business!

The garden is overflowing with fresh veggies and needs picking everyday. We are already getting waaay more fresh veggies then this little family of ours can consume. So whatever we don't eat ourselves goes straight into the farm stand. Each year my goal is to make enough money to pay for next years seeds and plants. But really, I'm just happy that nothing is going to waste. It is actually amazing how many customers I have on a daily basis. But I guess when you sell cukes for 10 cents you are bound to get some business. I even have a few customers that like to stop by before I pick the garden to place their orders. So if I'm not crafting and blogging as much as I normally do then this is why. Veggies this beautiful cannot go to waste and a farm stand this cute needs to be well stocked!


  1. Oh my goodness...I wish I lived close by! :-) I'd be there every day. Adorable stand, and great with the "marketing!" It's great!!!

  2. Congrats to Adriane! Oh my goodness! I wished I live right next door to you, I'd buy all your vegetables! :D

  3. OMG. I wish I lived by you. I'd pay you double! How lovely. :)

  4. Who wouldn't want to buy fresh veggies from a place like this! Adorable!

  5. What a cute lil' vegetable stand! So glad to see you're doing so great with your recent ventures. You go girl!

  6. Oh, I think I just died from all the cuteness. You make me want to sell our tomatoes. So so cute!

  7. Now THAT is a veggie stand. The ones back in FL where we lived were so ugly. Here in Omaha, they use tents mostly. This is adorable.

  8. That is beautiful!! If I saw a vegetable stand that looked like that, I'd stop whether I wanted any vegetables or not!! Although...I WOULD want the vegetables!! I love local produce, it doesn't get any better.

  9. We'd definitely stop and buy your veggies -- that's such a pretty little stand!
