Thursday, July 21, 2011

embrace the camera {new baby cousin}

It has been one exciting, crazy, fun-filled week! Auntie had baby #5 on Monday...a pretty little girl! While auntie was in the hospital having a much needed vacation we were lucky enough to have our 4 cousins for a few days and even managed to have one BIG sleepover. We spent our days playing in the garden, running through the water sprinkler, eating snacks and doing lots of crafting.

We made lots of "tutti-fruitti" and freshly squeezed lemonade. We watched tractors cutting hay across the street, made jewelry, beaded fairy's, learned how to play shoe shop and even did a little sewing. But the funnest part of the week was when Auntie A joined us for the day with 3 more cousins and we got our craft on! We managed to have all 10 kids finger paint signs to welcome their newest little cousin or sis. Then we hopped into our swagger wagons and headed down to the hospital where we paraded around the hospital searching for Auntie's window. Once we found her window we quickly got all 10 kids lined up in order while holding their signs. Then they started singing "Happy Birthday" to Auntie and Uncles newest little bundle! It was completely priceless and I cannot think of a better way to have welcomed a sweet little baby into this world! One proud BIG sister that is completely smitten over her new little sis!
But I'm pretty sure we can all say that we are completely smitten over this precious little one!
Now my little guy wont stop begging me for another little baby. And I have to admit, this little one sure does give me baby fever! Welcome to the world pretty-pretty little baby girl!


  1. That is the most fun idea I have ever heard for welcoming a new baby! Congratulations!

  2. Awww, that is SO sweet! I totally just got baby fever pangs just looking at those cute pictures!

  3. So cute! What a nice welcome for a sweet little girl! Still smiling... :)

  4. Quelle jolie petite fille et quelle belle famille !

  5. she is precious!!!!! and i am in love with your photos :), you have seen cheaper by the dozen - right? lol

  6. I got teary eyed when they held up the signs outside the window. So sweet. Congrats on your family's newest addition.

  7. What a cute little babe!! Beautiful!!
