Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Picking berries.

It's that time of the year to go berry picking again.

So we grabbed some baskets and headed into the fields. In no time at all, we had freshly picked berries in our baskets.
This little munchkin was content sitting in one spot while her brother and sister filled her basket for her.

The picking was a little hard in some rows, but I wont complain. There is nothing like picking fresh strawberries straight from the field!
While my son searched for the biggest berry and ended up with a bucket full of berries. My little girl picked every berry in sight, but still ended up with one empty bucket...but had one full belly!

The scenery was just as beautiful as the berries.
And just as cute as these little turtles.
Once we got home came the hard part... washing and hulling the berries.

And squeezing lemons.
To make the most scrumptious strawberry lemonade.
It's always a lot of work to preserve our fresh goodies, but so worth it! I just love cracking open one of these jars in the middle of winter to get a little taste of those fresh strawberries.


  1. I want to take my kids berry picking. That would be so much fun for them! And I agree, I L-O-V-E whipping out some homemade preserves in the winter! I need to make some more and stock up!!

  2. How do you make that yummy looking lemonade?

    Hope this means that you are feeling better and traveling in a car now.

  3. Yes how do you make that ahh-mazing looking lemonade!?
