Thursday, July 7, 2011

embrace the camera {July 4th 2011}

Here is what our 4th of July looked like.

Handmade flags.
Coordinating red, white and blue outfits.

And even momma made a dress to coordinate with the kiddo's.

Wagon rides to the parade.

Hanging with the cousins.
Lots of tears were shed from this little munchkin.
Time spent watching the parade and catching lots of loot!
Naps were taken by three little kiddo's while momma and daddy sat on the porch chatting and drinking ice coffee (ahh). Then we heading to the carnival to eat fried dough and enjoy a few of the rides.
That night we set up the tent to watch fireworks from.
We lit sparklers while we waited for the show.

And we all finally got to watch the fireworks show, minus one little baby that was fast asleep behind us in the tent.
It was one long but fun day!


  1. So beautiful. I was telling my husband we've got to take a patch of grass out in the back of the yard. I've got a spot out the side door for a kitchen garden, but I want a big vegetable garden next year now that we have a yard. It's your pictures with the kids running in the rows... =) Have you ever done a post on 'how to' for beginning a vegetable garden? Give me a link if you did. I want to read it. Hey, how are the dolls holding up? I'll send you the PDF if you ever need to replace any hair - I finally had to on Madelyn's original. She's worn it to threads. (smile)


  2. Great great pictures! Your kiddos are adorable! Love their outfits!
