Monday, July 11, 2011

Chickens, eggs and rubby red shoes.

The other day I made some eggs cleaning cloths. Seriously, cloths for cleaning eggs? Yes. We have a relative that is raising layers for the first time and I cannot help but love her excitement over these chickens...and for all chickens in general (close family members you know what I am referring too, dontcha?) Well anyways, I saw this fabric the other day and had to have it. I knew that some cute little wash cloths were in order. After making them I realized that I'm going to have make myself some now, how cute are those little chickens?!

I made a few tiny ones for scrubbing eggs.

Two larger ones to dry the eggs on.

And one large one, because I know that one of these days she is going to give those chickens a bubble bath! So now every time she washes those eggs she will think of us up here in NH and will be reminded of her favorite "holiday"!

And since we are talking about eggs, my little missy girl was asked to gather the eggs the other day and when I opened the door I found these.

Now this is a first. I have never seen eggs collected in ruby reds shoes before!

But make sure you only take the eggs and do not touch the ruby red shoes!

1 comment:

  1. I love those chickens!! The blue is my fav. I made some placemats for a friend of mine and missed the fabric in stash so much I had to go and get another yard of it the other day when I was at the quilt store and saw it.
