Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A repost & Crafting for the pigs.

**This first part I'm reposting because it was deleted the other day when blogger was down.**

I have received a lot of emails wondering how I have been feeling. While I wish I could tell you that I'm feeling back to normal and all is well...I can't. I'm just getting better at "living with it". So while it may seem like I'm feeling better since I am still blogging, I'm not. Posts take me days and sometimes weeks to write, but I keep doing it because I like it and it gives me a happy place to escape to. Sewing and crafting was my happy place to escape to before, but since I struggle to do both of those, I blog on what I am able to do. So while I have not been able to take the kiddo's anywhere in over 2 months and I have left the house only once in the past month to go somewhere other then to a doctors appointment. The moment I get into the car and move I am immediately on sensory overload and feel extreme nausea. So we stay home and I try to keep the kiddo's busy and happy. We craft when we can and do activities that are quick and easy for me. We spend most of our days outside playing or watching the pigs and chickens. I have always been easily entertained and in times like these I'm so thankful for that. It doesn't take a whole lot to make me happy. So if blogging about the happy things that occur in our lives keeps me going, then that is what I am going to keep on doing. So no, I'm not trying to make it seem like my life is normal right now. I'm just keeping my blog positive and upbeat by writing about what I really want to and that is the good times. I mean do you really want to know all about the times that I cry because I am lonely or feel like I am going to live feeling like this forever? Or how I feel like the worst momma in the world right now. Or how I feel useless and lazy. Or how I cannot fit into any of my jeans cuz I have gained so much weight due to the lack of exercise. I didn't think so...nor do I want to write about such things. I'm trying to make the best of what I have been dealt. And in all honesty ...it could be worse. I promised in the beginning not to turn this blog of mine into a pity party and I intend on keeping it that way. But apparently some of you would like a little updating now and then and that is fine, so I will try and keep you updated every once in awhile. With all that said, I really do appreciate all of your prayers and get well wishes, they truly mean a lot to me. Your emails and comments always put a little smile on my face. And please forgive me if I am unable to reply to all of your emails or comments.

Now let's turn this back to my happy place and talk about a little crafting that I have managed to do and can't wait to share with all of you. The hubby had to help me with a few of the steps and of course was making fun of me while doing it. He wanted to know if we should do a "step-by-step" for the blog. Oh crazy hubby, its called a tutorial! Anyhoo, it is 1/2 finished and if I can get about 10 minutes behind the machine it will be complete. Until then here is a little something I made for the piggies.

Yes, I crafted for my pigs. I know, It's crazy... and I'm ok with that. I had forgotten how relaxing and fun painting can be. I actually found a quick and easy way of stenciling letters onto wood. I just printed the names off on some paper and then traced around the letters with a pen onto the wood leaving indents. The indents on the wood gave me the perfect quick and easy stencils I needed to paint. Maybe that is nothing new to all of you, but it's new to me and I just thought I'd share.

Pigs this cute need their names displayed, don't they? But I think it's the names Ray and Wilbur that I just cannot help but love. They are the first animals my kiddo's have named. While we all know why our little guy came up with Wilbur, we are still not sure why our little girl came up with Ray.

I'm pretty sure I will be a little sad when its time for them to "go to the fair," as my hubby's friend calls it. (That one always makes me chuckle.)


  1. I always love your pictures - they make me smile. I like your crafts - they keep me entertained (LOVED the homemade microwave popcorn). In return, know that I'm glad you post your periodic personal updates because I feel, in this cyberworld, we're FFAD (friends-from-a-distance)and I'm here to support you when you need it.

  2. These are the cutest piggies ever! Is it weird I think that, but still love a crispy bacon sarnie?

    Thanks for the update, I've been wondering how you were doing, I hope your felling better real soon.

  3. Love the piggy names & plaques! You are doing a great job managing your life and your illness. Prayers and happy thoughts are being sent your way.

  4. Oh my word, they're adorable!! I begged and pleaded for a pet pig when I was a little girl. I have no idea why, but I've always loved the little guys! Ray and Wilbur are so cute. : )

  5. hope you'll feel better soon!
