Thursday, May 19, 2011

embrace the camera {in the dandelion fields}

One of my favorite things about spring is how the fields up the road become covered in dandelions. Those fields become the most beautiful place for a photo shoot for me, while the kids have fun picking the flowers and running around in the fields. This year thankfully my sister-in-law agreed to cart me and my 3 kiddo's one minute up the road to take advantage of these beautiful flowers. The fields are usually covered in more dandelions like last year but that's alright I think we got some good photo's anyways...and mostly it was great to leave the house and be able to play with the cousins.

Gosh that little girl is too funny, I couldn't show you just one.

There is our big cousin getting into the photos...again! I definitely got better photo's of the cousins then my kiddo's, but with a pretty little girl so sweetly picking flowers it what hard not too.

She was by far the best model.
I just love this one of the two of them. So sweet!

These 2 photo's pretty much sum up what our photo shoot was really like. Here I am trying to pull off my flutter sleeve top that was fluttering a bit too much in the wind, while still wearing my slippers. And you can obviously see the girls wanted no part of sitting still to take a good photo with their momma.

Yet, somehow I love these photo's anyways. I'm no photographer...I just pretend to be one.

Thanks Auntie Kel for getting us out of this house, even if it was to go just 1 minute up the road. It was fun and well worth it!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway.
We will be picking the winner tomorrow!


  1. These are great pictures! Looks like a perfect spring day :)

  2. Beautiful pictures! looks like a nice spring adventure.

  3. Looks like fun was had by all. Glad you were able to get out :)

  4. Those flower picking photos are so precious! :)

  5. these photos are fabulous!!! I, like you apparently, am a HUGE fan of overalls on kids! In fact, I think it's time I get Maddy a new pair in her size. Chloe certainly had them in every size - but Maddy has gotten the short end of the stick there. Must be remedied ASAP!

    You look fantastic!

  6. wow, I never knew dandelions could be so beautiful! Lovely photos and such lovely models!

  7. great pictures, your kids are adorable

  8. beautiful pictures and setting. not to mention, those lovely kiddos!!!!

  9. All of these are amazing. How cool is the "R"?!

  10. Gorgeous photos, love it. I also saw another post recently where they used the flowers to paint, dab it in the paint for a bit of fun, you should give it a try.

  11. Stunning photos! They look professional too!

  12. Oh Christina I am so happy you got out to enjoy this with your little ones!

