Friday, February 24, 2012

Hooded Vest Tutorial over at Project Run and Play today!

EEK! I'm over at Project Run and Play today sharing a tutorial for this hooded vest. I cannot tell you how excited I am to be over there today. I love those girls and not to mention all the amazing designers we have seen over there. I am so honored. Thanks girls!


  1. I love this vest! It seems a bit advanced for me, but I do like a good challenge : ) Thanks for sharing your AMAZING talents!!

  2. sam, it was so easy! really it was. it is only the 2nd coat i have ever made. give it a shot, im here to help:)

  3. I'm coming from Project Run & Play's blog... glad I came to visit !

  4. Qué bonito te ha quedado. Eres toda una artista!

  5. oh that's so cute!! Gotta make one of those!!! (maybe even one in my size ;)

  6. I love this vest! Can I ask tou if the pattern has seam allowance or I have to add them while cutting?
    Tx a lot!

  7. the seam allowance is already incorporated in the template. i usually like to do it that way and always use a 1/4" sew seam.

  8. Great! Tx for your fast answer! It allows me to go on sewing for my little girl, while she's napping ;)
    And.. I like doing this way too, but here in Italy pattern never have seam allowance incorporated, so I had this doubt...

  9. I just wanted to thank you for this pattern and tute! I pinned it last year and just finally got around to making it. I blogged my t-shirt version at
