Thursday, January 5, 2012

embrace the camera {Resolutions}

I make a New Years Resolution every year. Very rarely do I keep them, but I make them nonetheless. However two of my resolutions I am determined to keep this year are to lose weight and to keep up with embrace the camera. Documenting our lives together is so important to me, but for some reason I haven't been good about taking pictures of myself with the kiddo's lately. The truth is, seeing this big ole' body of mine plastered all over my blog makes me cringe. For some reason my camera has decided to add an extra 30 pounds to every picture instead of the normal 10. But really, shame on me! That is not what this is all about. Documenting our lives together is what is important, not how we look in our photo's. So here we are, back to embracing the camera every week. So sorry, but you are going to be seeing a lot of me again...along with these extra 30 pounds. We spent the morning painting the hallway and mudroom. This picture really does make me chuckle. I thought I was looking pretty bad and then I took a closer look at my little girl. What is up with that hair? And really, don't you think my kids could actually get dressed once in awhile? Maybe my New Year's Resolution should be to get the kids dressed daily... NAHH! Even if I do get them dressed in about 10 minutes they are back in their J's or running around the house naked. Its just a loosing battle.
How many of you make New Year's Resolutions?


  1. You look great and so do your kids! What I see is the picture of a happy family and a mum who not only gets things done (I've never painted our walls and some desperately need to get done) but makes her children a part of it too.

  2. I should try to do this too! Maybe if we hold each other accountable, we can do it? Or not. ;)

  3. thanks islandfairy! it has taken me a few rooms to get used to the kids working right next to me while painting but it is finally working and really it is the only way i can get things done:)

  4. I'm not usually a resolution maker.... maybe I should be :) The orange looks fabulous! So bright and cheery! Actually I'm just taking a break from painting my bathroom...... creamy white.... boring I know, but it's a small powder room with a dark floor. Anyway, great pictures and you all look fabulous ~ messy hair and 30 pounds (whatever by the way!!) :)

  5. I think you need to adjust you inner mirror! I look at your picture and you look like a healthy young woman. I especially see a wonderful mom who spends time with her kids. They will remember all the times they helped you, fondly.

  6. I think you look great for someone who has had 3 kids and been ill in the past year. I do make resolutions many of them I do accomplish to some extent, this year I would like to sew and bake more, tone up, and go back to school that's a big one, I hope it goes well this time. I love all that orange! I know my husband would kill me if I painted anything that bright and orange, he thought my new orange mixer was gross!

  7. I didn't really make resolutions, exactly. More trying to commit to a lifestyle change. I'm no good with strict rules, even given by myself.

    Nice wall painting. I somehow doubt I would have the patience to let the girls help. You get extra points there!

  8. I love the comment about the pajamas. I just blogged about that yesterday! My girl sayed in them all day! We had to put "fresh" ones on at bedtime!

  9. I should totally join the resolution to keep up with Embrace the Camera...I think I managed to do 3 last year after getting all excited about doing it! Oops. I just hate pics of myself, but I suppose I do owe it to the kiddos to have those memories someday.

    P.S. My kids officially now own more pajamas than real clothes. They NEVER get dressed! I was just saying to my hubby last night that SO many of my blog posts have my kids in pajamas at 2 pm lol - you're not alone! ;)

  10. This is something I am trying to work on as well! Good luck!
