Thursday, December 1, 2011

embrace the camera {growing up too fast}

These little kiddos of mine are growing up too fast! I have always tried to embrace each and every stage...even those newborn sleepless nights. I know that someday these little ones of mine will be teenagers and our battles will be much harder then the ones we are faced with right now. Our little 20 month old decided to potty train herself a few weeks ago right in the middle of our flooring marathon and while being sick. Much to me begging her to "just pee pee in your diaper" she was determined and is now wearing big girl undies...even at bedtime. I'm pretty proud of her and in all honesty I cannot take any credit for it, unless you count the insane amounts of trips to the potty room I have made with her.

My little missy girl got her nails painted for the first time last week. She saw me painting my nails and begged for some of her own. So a few minutes later we snuggled on the couch in our J's while I painted her sweet little fingers for the first time.
And this little boy is a wiz with power tools and hammers, so much so that its kinda scary. But he will tell you like he tells us "I be careful...see. Don't worry I wont hurt myself!" He spends hours at those benches drilling screws in and taking them out. He is always building something that requires daddy's help to cut more wood or more tools. He is usually getting in the way and slowing down our progress while chatting non-stop. It can definitely be a challenge sometimes. Working on the house is the easy part...working on the house with the kids around is the hard part. Someday we are going to wish for these days again. I just have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy them a bit more. Its easy for these times to slip away or be wished away too quickly.


  1. I love chubby little legs. What an awesome pic!

  2. Lovely pictures - of such special moments! How is it the nail polish makes them seem so grown?

  3. Great pictures. They really tell a story. I bet you and your kids will be glad you captured these moments later in life when you can all look back and laugh. :)

  4. Congratulations! You have been given The Versatile Blogger Award over at You can read more about this at

  5. Preach it sister. I have three under 4 years, and they'll be off at college like...tomorrow. Slow down life!

  6. Aw, you have such adorable kids. I admire how you take care and let them grow at the same time. God bless you. :)

  7. So very true, great post!! I can't believe how fast it all goes.

    {love that green btw!}

    Happy Saturday! Michelle
