Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fabric Luggage Tags from Auntie.

When I made this luggage tag for Fat Quarter Friday a few months ago I had good intentions of making a bunch of them for my sister in law and her daughters. Unfortunately is was one of those projects that got put on the back burner, until the other night.

While I was sewing these I realized that my sister in law has been the recipient of more 2 little hooligans handmade goodies then ANYONE else. She even has more of my homemade goodies then I do...seriously!
I have made her a tote bag, casserole carrier, wash cloths, dish towels, a wristlet, an apron, diaper and wipes bag, burp cloths and A TON of bibs.
Even my 3 little nieces have received lots of handmade goodies from this Auntie. Peasant dresses, crayon rolls, pencil wrap and case, a tote bag, princess play tent, hair accessories, purses, a beach robe and drawstring tote bags. I'm pretty sure there are even more that I'm forgetting.
I never realized how much I had made for them until I started listing them all out. And it made me chuckle about the numerous times their gifts have given me something crafty to blog about.
But isn't it more fun crafting for others especially when you know they love your handmade goodies so much?!


  1. Awwww! I love these Christina!! How did you know I leave at 2am tomorrow morning for Minneapolis?!? :) They are ADORABLE!!! Oh...and I am NOT a sewer at all...but I got a sewing machine for Mothers Day/Birthday.... :)

  2. Christina is there a tutorial for these amazing luggage tags?Love your choice of fabrics.

  3. They are adorable! And you are so generous :)

  4. wow i love it! This is so true, other have more handmade than I do! Your work is stunning thank's to share it with us (sorry, my english may be not 100%, I'm from Québec!)

  5. here is the tutorial for the luggage tags: http://2littlehooligans.blogspot.com/2011/01/fat-quarter-friday-fabric-luggage-tag.html

    enjoy!! they are super cute, just wish i had a place to go:)

  6. Totally cute! :) That'll have to go on my pinteresting board!

  7. These are adorable!
    Just wanted to let you know I posted a little thankyou on my blog for the ring you sent me:) here is the link: http://fruitfulhomejournal.blogspot.com/2011/08/sweet-suprise.html

    Thanks again!

    Adriane @ fruitfulhomejournal.blogspot.com

  8. These are very cute! I'm enjoying your blog--and the fact that I can now tell my husband that I really DID have a purpose for those plastic bags I snatched out of his hand before he took the trash! :)

  9. I love it when I see that other bloggers are on the same page as me!! I posted a luggage tag tutorial this week too with the purpose of using it for a backpack id tag. I love these and the fabric is super cute!

  10. I love these!! I wish I had somewhere to go to justify making them LoL
