Thursday, June 9, 2011

embrace the camera {summer fun}

The weather has been hot and sunny and what better way to cool off then to play with our sprinkler...

and pool.

Our pool is not your typical pool, its a jet sled pool. (It's ok, let the redneck jokes fly.) But really, what was this momma to do. I'm still not able to drive and the kiddo's needed a pool.

It doesn't matter what your pool looks like. All that matters is getting those chubby legs cooled off.

And having fun!

I haven't been "swimming" yet, but I'm going to have to take a dip one of these days. After all, everyone needs to swim in a jet sled at least once in their lifetime!
Happy summer y'all!


  1. Enjoy the summer. Love the photos!

    LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella

  2. Hehe...the jet sled pool. Love it! It's more than we have currently.
