Thursday, December 23, 2010

embrace the camera {momma's 3 little reindeer}

First of all, congrats to the Anderson crew! Such great news and we are so excited for all of you. You truly got the most precious gift for Christmas this year, and so didn't she!

Oh how we have loved opening our advent calendar this year. The kids take turns each day opening each one up. It is usually something for them to share, an activity to do, or they both get a little something. Remember the numbers that I purchased to make our advent calendar? Well it not only came with the numbers but also some fun activities to do with the kids. So on this day when they opened their advent calendar they had a little circle telling them that they were going to have a mini photo shoot, complete with costumes. Of course I thought it would be fun to dress up as reindeer. I quickly sewed up some brown and white striped pj pants for the kids and threw on some reindeer antlers.

Gotta have a red nose!

And here is what our photo shoot really looked like. One boy totally not wanting to cooperate, a little missy girl trying to get everyone to smile and coordinate things, a little baby not wanting to sit still (gotta love crawling babies) and this momma with some major haven't-washed-my-hair-in-2-days with my I-will-pretend-this-was-WAAY-fun-smile!

Oh yes, we also had a few tears.

Some antler fights.

With a little wrestling and lots of dorky smiles.

AWW yes! That was fun. F-U-N... FUN!
Well, actually we did had FUN, once I turned the camera off. Isn't that the way it always goes?!


  1. LOL, I love it. Nothing like creating memories.

    Love to your family and a VERY Merry Christmas!


  2. Love the reindeer antlers! Cute!

  3. everyone looks so cute. i love the little cross eyes looking down at her rudolph nose.

  4. I love crying baby pictures!! Glad you got some good ones! Happy E.T.C. Day! And Happy Holidays!!

  5. so cute! Love the reindeer antlers!

  6. So cute!! I think the outtakes are always the best pictures!!

  7. Such CUTE outfits!!!! Kudos to you for getting in the picture too!!!

  8. Just think how much fun you all will have in future years looking at those pictures! And I just washed my hair after 2 days, too--but yours looks better than mine did! :)

  9. OMG!this i off the charts cute!!

  10. hahahaha, too cute! Your kiddos are just too darn adorable! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!!
