Friday, November 5, 2010

Our little girl turns 2.

Last night we had a little party for the birthday girl. With our house being way too small and the immediate family being so big, we decided to have a party with just the 5 of us. The kids helped me decorate the cake by making all the circles from the left over fondant. When they were sleeping I put the rest of the cake together. There was no way I was going to let them help me put the cake together. Yup, I am a control freak when it comes to such things. There, I said it. I am, I just can't help it! I'm no Cake Boss, but I think I did a pretty good job. Yet, I was told by my son that I wasn't doing it right. I needed to "put stuff in the middle and spin the cake really fast, like that guy does." I guess we watch a little too much Cake Boss in this house.

I set up a little table with her cake on it, so that when she woke up, she woke up to a birthday surprise. I'm so delighted as she LOVED her little knitted angel doll. Unfortunately, the tutu I made to match her dolls was not as loved. She kept it on just long enough to snap a few photo's. Oh well, guess she isn't a tutu wearing girl.

We partied "old school style" with noise blowers and paper cone party hats. She LOVED the hats. And sorry for Daddy, he was the only one that HAD TO keep his on. What a good sport he was, but as usual, anything for his little girl.

As you can see, she was dressed in her favorite outfit, just a plain ole diaper.

Oh, she was so sweet!
So happy!
She just loved it!
I wish I could take credit for the best part of her night, but the cousins calling to sing "Happy Birthday" to her over the speaker phone was by far, the best part of her night. I wish I could have captured her squeals, smiles and the excitement on her face, it was absolutely PRICELESS. Thanks guys, it meant the world to us!
I'm always bummed that we cannot throw a huge extravagant party with all our friends and family here because of our house. But after this little party of ours, I was not bummed at all, it was simply PERFECT! And yet again, for a split moment, I'm appreciating what this old-unfinished house gives us. It gave us what is most important in life, and that is, just being together.
Happy Birthday little missy-girl!


  1. Oh my Christina. First "A VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to that sweet little pea of yours. Second how oh how do you get anything done with all that cuteness going on in you house?!

    Perfectly perfect!

  2. You almost made me cry! So sweet. I love it!

    (And no, I am not weird, just preggers with high running emotions - lol)

  3. Such a fab post. Love your little family and that cake is definitely to die for! Soon you will be having parties galore when the house is done, treasure these moments, there will be less cleaning..haha.

  4. i love your blog,congratulations,is lovely.
