Thursday, October 7, 2010

embrace the camera {fall harvesting}

It's always so bittersweet when gardening season is finished. While gardening is a ton of work, it has given us so many hours of enjoyment and some of the freshest goodies to eat. With winter fast approaching (way too fast), we are enjoying the rest of these days outside. I'm dreading the winter months stuck inside our insanely small 1/2 house with 3 kids all day. But for now, I'm not going to think about that and just enjoy the last of the beautiful fall weather.

I'm going to miss seeing those dirty little piggies in the garden!

I'm going to miss watching these tractor rides. It's hard to believe that next year there will be 3 little heads popping up.

That little girl is going to miss climbing all over the tractor. She sits on that tractor for hours playing with onions or chomping on carrots.

No more picking!! Closed for the season!

Thanks to all of our farm stand customers, see you next year!

PS. whoever stole from us the other day, SHAME ON YOU!


  1. Wow what a fulfilling life you have. I envy your picking and eating of those yummy goodies. And what great value on work ethics you are creating for your kiddos. I *heart* your little family.


    I wish karma to strike on those thieves.

  2. That last one is especially adorable! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. what?! somebody stole from ya'll? re-donk.

    i want to buy veggies from you! how fun!

    our gardening season is just beginning...weird.

  4. Oh those dirty piggies are delicious!! And love the tractor shot. I'm glad someone likes to garden. Great photos.

    And a pox on whoever stole from you! A pox I say!

  5. What a great lookin' family you have and they look like amazing little helpers!!!

    Ugh, I hate thieves! Cowards!
