Thursday, September 30, 2010

embrace the camera {chopping the corn}

If you haven't been to Em's blog yet, you NEED TO! She makes me laugh, cry, and keeps life so real.

Last Friday was one of those days the world around us just stopped and we enjoyed the simple pleasures in life that only the country can bring us.
It was the annual chopping of the corn across the street day.
This is a big day for us. Seriously! It's almost like a holiday to the kids (and me too!) The kids sat on the porch and watched the tractor drive around the corn field chopping down the stalks, ALL DAY! Even this momma sat on that couch for a few hours enjoying the beautiful fall day and all the excitement with the kiddo's. It's a lot of fun, really it is.

We had a special picnic in bread pans. Just our favorite grilled cheese sandwiches, grapes, carrots and milk.

No circle sandwiches today. Today they get hearts. Oh, how I wish I had a tractor cookie cutter.

She didn't understand the whole chopping of the corn thing, but oh how she squealed at her brother and sister. They are so cool in her eyes!

Oh, that poor truck driver. Every time he drove to or from the corn field, my little guy would yell "pull the handle, pull the handle" while jumping up and down making the honk your horn motion. I would say we heard that horn honk close to 30 times that day.
Thank you Mr. Truck driver for amusing us so much that day. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. This is another one of those moments that I want to cherish forever. I love how excited they were just sitting on that old couch watching them drive around in circles all day. Or how the last honk of that horn was just as exciting as the first. Again, THANK YOU Mr. Truck driver, See again next year!

For those of you wondering about my carrot cake in a canning jar from last week. I got the recipe here and just follow my tutorial. The cake is amazing! One of the best carrot cake recipes I have tried and it was super easy. Don't forget to make up some extra jars and throw them in the freezer. This cake freezes amazingly! Plus it is a great way for the kids to bring a homemade snack to school or in our case for the hubby's lunch. Enjoy!


  1. This post is amazing - really makes me miss "home" which is the country. :) And seriously - that baby??? I could just eat her up she is so stinkin' adorable!!

  2. Looks like a fun day and fun memories! Sweet pictures of your little ones!

  3. How fun! Great photos! Adorable rollie baby!

  4. My son would have been in HEAVEN!!!! And seriously how cute is the bread pan picnic ~ great idea!

  5. That's awesome that the truck driver honked that many times for him. =) We are from Indiana, makes me miss home too... Cute pictures!!

  6. Sweet pics, and love the bread pan picnic idea!

  7. oh my gosh, that chunkypicture is too yummy. All the kids are adorable!
