Thursday, September 9, 2010

embrace the camera {6 months old today!}

Yikes, Thursday totally snuck up on me this week!

My littlest girl turns 6 months today. She has the fuzziest little hair and sweetest smile. She loves her brother and sister and they can make her belly laugh like no one else. She still wants her milk every two hours and is far from sleeping through the night. She loves to talk, DAAAADA is her favorite word. She is rolling around like crazy and is even beginning to push with those little toes and move around on that big belly. She is just a love! I wish I could keep her in this stage forever! But I am reminded all to well by her brother and sister that she too will grow up and become a kid someday.

And because I am totally cheating this week ( sorry), here I am, adding on to a post I have already posted with a picture of me and my little 6 month old. Since my posting earlier I have realized that
A. she has her first tooth poking through!!!
B. she is not going to take that dang bottle without a battle. BIG THANKS to my sister in laws for trying:) Any suggestions for getting a 6 month old to take a bottle for the first time?