Thursday, August 26, 2010

embrace the camera {3 little hooligans at Grammy's}

We just got back from spending a few days at Grammy's house. While I spent the days sewing a way, the kids spent their days playing and being entertained by Grammy. It was a long two days, but I managed to get a ton of sewing done and the kids had a lot of fun! Thank you Grammy!!

But as you can guess, two days with no naps and having gone to bed at 10pm, I have three insanely cranky kids. But thanks to Daddy's suggestion of going to play in the barn before bedtime, the kids are now happy as can be. My little guy is out in the barn hammering a whole box of nails into a piece of wood. And my little girl, well, she is running around the house like this!

It is amazing how a box of nails and a pair of welding glasses can turn their moods around.


  1. That picture of your little girl in the goggles has to be one of the cutest pictures I have seen in a LONG time!! LOVE IT!!

  2. The matching jammies are adorable and the welding glasses crack me up!!!

  3. oh my matching jammies!! i love it! i'd totally rock welding glasses if they made me look that cute ;)

  4. The jammies made me squeal! SO PRECIOUS! I also ADORE the goggles shot. Your darlings are too much!
