Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Today was a sewing day.

Sewing days only happen about four times a year and only when I really need to get something accomplished. I let the kiddos run around like wild animals dumping out every single toy while making the biggest mess you have ever seen. They can snack when they want, play play-doh all day and just do whatever they want just as long as I get to sit and sew. Sometimes these days are a complete disaster and it leaves me wondering why I even attempted to do such a thing in the first place. But today wasn't one of those days, the only thing that ended up being a complete disaster was my house. Surprisingly they played well together and we spent most of the day listening to Christmas music while I sat and sewed and they well...made a BIG MESS!

But it was worth it because I managed to make 7 skirts, 4 dresses and a few pairs of leggings. I made a huge dent in my Christmas list! I try to make all of my gifts, or at least the ones that I can make for. Guys are always a tough one for me. When making my list I always have a back-up store bought option just in case. For me, I would rather be up late frantically sewing then running around the stores frantically looking for something to buy. By no means are my gifts extravagant, but they have been made with love and I always put a lot of thought into them. For some Christmas shopping is the best choice, but for me Christmas crafting is the best choice...or maybe its just the best excuse to make the ones I love most a gift. Anyone interested in a bunch of ruffled fabric scraps with a few knits thrown in? I have a bag full already and I'm sure there will be more to come. Just send me an email if your interested. No cost for the fabric, just pay the shipping.
Any of you have "sewing days"? What do you do to keep the kiddo's entertained?


  1. Ohh I could weep! I have a list of things I need to finish/start sewing and the kiddos are stuck to my side like glue! The poor things aren't feeling great so I have be mummy/ nurse before I get to do anything I need / want!

    You got an amazing amount done, well done!

  2. Maybe you could write up a list of what you have made in the past? I would love to get started on next year in January...

  3. Ugh, I need to have a sewing day. But with my stupid, rebellious machine, I can't say I'm looking forward to it. I'm excited to see everything you worked on!

  4. I do my sewing during naptime or in the evenings. My biggest issue is that I like to work until it's DONE!

  5. Always love to get fabric (especially scraps!)--do you think shipping would be very high? I'm in PA. -Kate B.

  6. This would probably help--lkat80@gmail.com
    -Kate B.

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has these types of sewing days. But I think I need to do one again, cuz I haven't in quite a while, and I have a million things that need to be sewn!!
    Can't wait to see what you made!! The dress is ADOREABLE!!

  8. My kids are young. I lock them up. Ha! Seriously, I sew in my living room, and the dining room (attached to the LR) is totally kid-proofed, and gated. So I can leave them in there for an hour or so at a time. It's amazing what I can get done in an hour. The worst part about it, though, is that I never get anything FINISHED. Oh well, I have a lot in-process.

  9. Seriously jealous of what you've accomplished. There were several things I wanted to sew together for Joey -- a tool belt and a car mat for starters -- and some more chalkboard mats for the playgroup kids. Not one has been done. :(

    Awesomely fabulous job, Christina!

  10. You are awesome! I can only sew for a few hours at a time, so a little bit her and a little bit there. I have had 0 motivation for sewing, I plan on going to the fabric store, so hopefully I will want to sew again after I get some pretty prints.

  11. You are a machine girl! Wish I was able to get that much done...I miss my machine :) Think of me while you sew...xoxox

    happy holidays and your house is looking ahmmazing!

  12. Wow! You got so much finished! I sewed for a few hours today, but I still have quite a bit to go. I don't have to worry about kiddos right now, but I do like to make sure my husband is busy and entertained before I lock myself away!
