Thursday, September 1, 2011

embrace the camera {making lemonade}

I want to start off by saying that I have been having some Internet connection issues ever since Irene left an insane amount of rain here in New Hampshire and Vermont. So sorry if I haven't responded to your emails yet, I'm working on it. I know a few of you have questions about some of the tutorials I have posted lately and yes, another one is on the way soon. So hang in there.

Now for embrace the camera...something I have been struggling with lately. Pictures of me are not good lately, not good at all. With all of the canning, baking and time spent in the garden let's face it I'm in bad shape...all the time! I'm waiting to see my picture posted on People of Walmart one of these days. But this is who I am, so your just gonna have to see frumpy ole me making lemonade with the kiddo's. This is something we do on a regular basis and I just love these times spent with them.

I cant help but love watching their little hands at work.

And their puckered faces.

And how excited they are after the hour long squeeze fest is over and they get to see how much juice they just made.

Because there is nothing better then freshly squeezed lemonade from the kiddo's!

Now go and embrace that camera with your kiddo's! These are memories you never want to forget...frumpy looking and all!


  1. Yummy! Perfect for these hot summer days!

  2. Sounds yummy - glad to see that while wet, you all survived Irene!

  3. I don't know what you're talking about, you look adoreable!
    I have a bunch of lemons left over from the lemonade party, I think I'll make some more lemonade today! Inspired by you!! ;D

  4. Those are memories your will cherish FAR MORE than anything else you might have been doing... drink up!

  5. (Okay, I swear after this one I'm going to stop being a comment-every-second-freak lol!)

    I totally need to do these embrace the camera challenges because I never take pictures of myself, and then I always HATE the rare ones that do get taken. I can totally relate. But seriously, you always look SOOO adorable in all of yours, so I'm pretty sure that you've actually got nothing to worry about!

  6. LOL at the people of walmart comment. i always laugh at those pictures and then get this crazy feeling that one day i'm gonna end up on that site.

    glad you joined us busy mama!
