Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Refashioning long sleeve onesies.

My girls have a ton of long sleeve onesies and now that summer is here we no longer need them, And in all reality, by the time winter rolls around again these cute little shirts will no longer fit them. So I figured I would do a little refashioning and turn them into something we did need...rompers (ok, so maybe they are just onesies with a ruffle). It doesn't matter what I call them because I'm thinking they are pretty darn cute on this little munchkin of mine!

This was my first time doing a lettuce edge ruffle before. I used this tutorial and was surprised how easy it was to do and how cute those little ruffled edges look.

I used the cut-off long sleeves to make the lettuce edge ruffle on the back of the romper. I can't help but love ruffles on a rump!

What's your favorite thing to refashion? Know of any great refashioning tutorials?


  1. Super idea! and cute little model

  2. THAT SMILE!!! I want to squeeze her! And the face right above that one, with the hand on the ear and one on the eye -- Joey totally does that too, and I find it adorable. Of course, I really have nothing else to add to the actual question-oriented portion of this conversation... :D

  3. too cute! and the little one even cuter!!!

  4. o my heck cutest girl ever! such a precious smile:)

  5. So sweet! I haven't found very many cute boy onesies. But I doubt they'd look good with a ruffly bum anyway ;-)

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  6. I wish I could send you my daughter's onesie's so you could do this for me. ;) I'm not that much of a sewer...though I wish I were! I have so many long sleeved shirts for my daughter that she's worn only once (some never). She is quiet a peanut and hasn't quiet grown into some of her clothes before the new season came along. And by the way, your daughter is adorable!! What a sweetie!

  7. Great idea! And what a cute and chubby little dolly you have there!

  8. What a wonderful idea... could have used it when my gal was a little peanut. :)

  9. Love those ruffles! And she's such a cutie!
