Monday, May 9, 2011

Headbands for the girls.

I finally got to do some crafting this weekend and boy did it feel great! Now granted I only spent about 15 minutes whipping these headbands up and they are far from being inventive as I see them everywhere but at least now I know why. They are so fun and easy to make and with how quick they go together, they can become addicting. I'm sure I could have made a few more but my little girl was helping momma and accidentally spilled all 4 containers of buttons everywhere. So we spent more time picking up and sorting buttons then actually crafting. But that was alright with me, cuz I think she already loves buttons as much as I do.

These 3 went to my little niece for her birthday.

While I kept the lace one for my little girls.

There was something about this orange one that I just couldn't part with.

Maybe it was how cute this little munchkin looked with it on.

Lace + baby = pure sweetness!

If your looking for a tutorial, check out this one from Disney.