Thursday, May 12, 2011

embrace the camera {momma's day 2011}

Mother's Day weekend was spent like most weekends around here. Daddy spent all day Saturday moving firewood back to the house while I taught the kiddo's how to peel the bark off the chunks of birch trees to use as paper. We literally spent all day Saturday doing this while playing outside. Sorry y'all we don't lead extremely exciting lives around here, but that is alright with this momma.

Because I received the most beautiful bouquets of wild flowers.

And some of them were even beautifully displayed in the old manure spreader... love!

Although not everyone showed their love for their momma this weekend.

This little munchkin has not been to happy about the lack of momma milk given the past few days.

So as you can imagine, I felt like the worst momma in the world after seeing those big tears, but I know what I am doing is best for the baby. I think this momma getting better and a baby being free of second hand medicine is much healthier then those few feedings she had been receiving. And really, don't let those tears fool you, this momma has shed waaaay more tears then she has.

Becoming a mother has definitely been a challenge, with lots of ups and downs along the way (and I know there are lots more to come) but there is nothing else I would rather be... then a momma. And there is no other place I would want to be on Mother's Day, then right here with the ones that make me a momma... tears and all!


  1. Oh friend. I wish I lived closer to be able to come over and help you with those babes. Please know I have been thinking about you and missing you. I am praying for relief for you very soon.


  2. I'm so sorry to hear that you are not feeling better and that they are no closer to figuring out what is going on. You are in my prayers. Even though I only found your blog a few months ago, I have loved reading it. The doctors here are trying to decide if I have lupus or rheumatoid arthritis so I can understand some of your frustrations. I will pray for a diagnosis that is followed quickly with treatments that work.

  3. Can I just mention how adorable that first shot of Little Girl with the tears is? So cute. I feel for her. I can't get Joey to quit the night nursing. I don't know how. I'm lost.

    Hugs to you, as always. I'm so happy to see that although this all is going on, that you are still happy! :)

  4. Thank you for taking the time to share. I always love hearing the latest from you...and seeing such great ideas!!!

    I pray that this time of struggle strengthens you and your family greatly.

  5. Big *hugs*! I hope you are able to find answers and relief soon!

  6. hope you get to feeling better soon and get the awnsers you've been looking for. That has to be tough.

  7. Hi Christina - I just wanted to say that your Mother's Day photos are so priceless. Hope the DR's are able to determine what's up & can get you felloing better soon. Hang in there, sweetie. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

  8. I hope you are feeling better soon.
    Thoughts and prayers with your family.

    such adorable photos :)

  9. ahhhh SO cute! your little munchkin is to die for. I can't wait to check out some of the tutorials on your blog!

  10. Beautifully're a great mom. :)
