Thursday, May 26, 2011

embrace the camera {1 year of embrace the camera}

I can't believe we have been embracing the camera for a year now. When Em first started embrace the camera we embraced the camera with our little kiddo's for a whole week. I just love looking back at that first week. The kiddo's were so little and my baby actually was a baby.

I was so excited when Em decided to turn embrace the camera into a weekly party. Now here we are, 1 year later still embracing the camera. Our pictures are not perfect or all that exciting. Most of the time they are fuzzy and out of focus.

But at least I have 52+ pictures of ME with MY KIDDO'S! Embrace the camera has been our way of documenting us in our everyday lives, because these are the moments that we will remember the most.

We lead a pretty humdrum life. We don't take extravagant trips or throw amazing birthday parties... and we are never impeccably dressed.

But instead we enjoy the simply things in life and these times are what make us rich.

Because all we really need is each other and our humdrum life!

Thanks Em for embrace the camera, all of these pictures truly are a gift, that I never would have if it wasn't for embrace the camera.


  1. awww - that is such a sweet post.

    Congratulations on sticking with it for a whole year, you will cherish those pictures years from now when you look back on them.

  2. Wow an entire year. That is an amazing feat. Cute pictures by the way.

  3. Love this post! Congrats on a whole year!

  4. How true, how true! These are the moments!

  5. Yeah! happy embraceaversary!

  6. Very sweet post Christina. A whole year, wow. I am happy the world wide web brought us together...

  7. Loved looking at the first week's worth and how small baby girl was. :)
