Tuesday, April 5, 2011

House updates.

Three weeks ago my hubby took the week off to work on the house. Before he could start framing out the walls, he still had more demo work to do. So after an hours worth of work, this was what I saw...Iya-yaI! Luckily my hubby is a hard and fast worker because within a few hours the room was clean and cleared of the debris.

Unfortunately, we had to add a beam in downstairs since we have reworked a few of the rooms. So here is the hubby putting in a beam weighing a few hundred pounds all by himself. Crazy hubby that he is, he rigged a pully system to hoist up the beam and slide it into place.

The beam is in place, and now it is time to start framing.

A few days later we have a room! Yes, a teeny-tiny kids play room, but it's a room and there are walls. Or at least they are walls to us. And they are beautiful!

Stairs...we have stairs! For a few years now we have been climbing a ladder to get upstairs. So unsafe, but safety surely has not come first in this renovation.

It may not look like much to all of you, but to this momma (and very proud wife) this is huge! We have waited 6 1/2 years to see a living room and dining room evolve. And I can see it more and more each day.

There is something beautiful about a huge box of nails.

And a pile of new wood.

So what's on the list next?

Well, the upstairs floor joists are as level as they are going to get and it is time to lay down some plywood.


  1. I can smell the fresh new wood. Mmm...
    So glad to see progress.

  2. WOOOO HOOOOO!!! That is AWE-SOME! I'm so happy for you!! Can't wait to see more!!

  3. I love it!!! In addition to your crafts, and family posts, I love the remodel posts!!! Hope you are feeling well?!?!?

  4. Not sure about your religious choices but when we were having our house built, we would come a couple times a week to check out the progress. Someone had told us that when they built their house, they wrote scriptures on the boards and plywood. I searched through my bible trying to find just the right ones for each room and each family member. Don't know that it was the scripture or just God's love but we have sure been blessed in this house. And I know you said your husband is doing the renovations but for us, we felt like the scriptures might be a testimony to the different builders who come and go while a house is being built.
    Just thought I'd share...

  5. Yippee!!!! I am right there with you!! We have just put up drywall on our new area and sprayed it with texture so it will go with the old ones. And we aren't that good at drywall so you can't see that either! LOL I am very excited for you!!

  6. I can't even tell you how much I love to see these posts! I grew up in a teeny tiny farmhouse that my dad completely renovated (and quadrupled in size!)...and it took him eight years of weekends to do it all! I lived in bedrooms and ate in kitchens that looked just like these photos FOR YEARS! Seriously though, as a kid, it was SOOO much fun :)

  7. Man he really is a fast worker! That is a lot of work. It is looking great!
