Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Where do you purchase your labels?

I purchase my labels from worldwidelabel on etsy. Yes, I love working with them and I think they do a wonderful job. I highly recommend them.

When do you sew?

I do almost all of my sewing while the kids are either napping or sleeping at night. My kiddo's are a little too curious while I'm sewing and it just doesn't work for me right now. I'm sure in a few years sewing with them will be fun, but for now it is not. Plus for me, sewing is my time to escape. It is the only thing I get to do by myself without my kiddo's involved and I think we all need 1 thing we can do for just us.

Do you or have you taken sewing classes?

No, unless you count high school home economics as a sewing class. I guess I am self taught and just keep at it until I am happy with the outcome. The Internet and all of the sewing tutorials that we have access to have definitely helped me become a better sewer. But I still have a long way to go before I know it all. There are still many basic sewing techniques that I do not know how to do.

Why and when do you blog?

I first started blogging to promote my etsy shop and it took me awhile before I really understood blogging but now I'm hooked. I never realized how lonely being a stay at home mom could be, so blogging has allowed me to connect with others that feel the same way as me. It is great and I cherish all of my blogging friendships. Plus I have found that my bloggy friends just "get me". You all love drooling over pretty fabric and handmade creations like I do. I blog most of the time in the mornings while having my coffee or while the kiddo's are sleeping. Most of my posts take me a few days to write and I have a ton of unfinished ones in draft.

Where do you sew? Do you have a studio?

This question always makes me laugh. When I first started blogging I was afraid that if I actually told people that I sewed at the kitchen island then they would never buy my items and think I was a nutso. Then I quickly realized its not where you sew, its how you sew. So no I don't have a studio and sadly may never. I have almost given up sewing a few times because of this, but I decided to work with what I have, instead of giving up something I love. My sewing machine is stored in one room, while my fabric is stored in the kitchen and all of my other craft supplies are stored in the mudroom. This makes "quick sewing projects" not so quick for me but I'm making due with what I have and pray that someday I will have a craft room.

Are you going to change your name to 3 little hooligans?

Nope. What if we have a 4th little hooligan?!

Did you go to college?

Yes. I graduated with my BSW and have a minor in Gerontology. Before getting married I was The Resident Coordinator for an assisted living facility. I loved working with the elderly and hope someday I will go back to it.

Can I print out your tutorials?

Yes, please do. My blog has the print friendly button at the bottom of all my posts. I just ask that you don't print off pictures of my kiddo's. I know they are cute and all, but that's kinda scary, don'tcha think? How do you come up with so many different ideas? I don't know, it's just how my brain works. I have books filled with ideas that I hope to make someday.

Do you really live in 1/2 house with 3 kids? and how do you do it?

Yes, we do! We do it because we have to. Plus, this is how I am able to stay at home with the kiddo's. We have given up a lot for me to stay home with them and I would give up even more if that meant me staying home with them. Luckily my hubby is very handy and we have done almost all of the work ourselves. This has saved us a ton of money but it has taken a lot longer this way.

What is the worst thing about living in your house?

Geez! Umm, maybe the lack of a table to eat our meals at. I cannot wait to sit in a chair and have my feet under a table while enjoying our meals together. Oh and having all 3 of them in one room is tough, plus winters are hard in such a small space. Oh and to have a party with our family and friends. I'm usually telling people not to come over it would be great to ask them to come over.

Well I think that pretty much covers all of the FAQ's. Thanks for all of your questions and please keep them coming. I love hearing from all of you and getting to know you better.


  1. It's so lovely to find out more about you. I so admire the sacrifices you've made to stay at home with your littlies. I think they're only small once.

    I love the labels you use. I might just have to check that company out!!


  2. loved this Q-n-A!! i also do all of my work at my kitchen table. makes it hard because my stuff is stored in bins under my bed so nothing for me is "quick" either. but it's also nice because i am a sahm and my kitchen is open to my living room and that's where we spend most of our time in the house. but i won't lie.. sometimes it makes me a little jealous when i see pictures of other bloggers craft rooms... so spacious and organized!

  3. Awww I blog for the same reason, and I'm so happy I found a SAHM who would likely go out of her mind without this connection to the "real" world.

    Love the Q&A!

  4. Great post, it's lovely to find out more about the person behind the blog!

    I so get the lonely thing about being a sahm, I never imagined it would be but I wouldn't change it for anything!

    I sew whilst sat on the living room floor, so not an organised crafter!!

  5. Christina, you are a woman after my own heart. ALthough we cannot afford for me to stay home (sad) we have given up a home and many comforts to be together and live our lives. I have the same crafty problem, a 3 foot table to scrap on and my scrap stuff everywhere (to my husband's dismay). I LOVED this post, almost better than your amazing tutorials! I love knowing there are amazing women out there that have the same crafty and family problems as me and still keep at it! It gives me hope :)
