Saturday, January 1, 2011

plans for 2011

#1. First and foremost... finish the rest of the house!! This is our #1 goal for the year. We HOPE to have it finished in time for Christmas next year. No more Christmas branches for this family.

#2. Organize, ORGANIZE, O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E!!! It seems to be not matter how much I throw away and organize things, there is always room for improvement. I read somewhere that the only way to really be organized is for everything to have it's own spot. I strive for this, yet with the limited space we are living in, it makes it really hard to have a spot for anything. I do have a few things and changes I want to make so over the next 6 weeks I will be tackling each room or area that needs to be reorganized or "spring" cleaned.

week 1: kitchen
week 2: kids playroom
week 3: bathroom
week 4: bedroom
week 5: kids bedroom
week 6: crafts and sewing

#3. Meals will be planned ahead of time for the week! There will be not last minute wonders of "whats for dinner"? I love to cook, but sometimes I find myself in a slump or just don't know what I want to eat. So I have already set up a little little meal organization center and will keep all the recipes that I want to try within reach (neatly organized of course). I will comb the coupon section and sales fliers to see what's on sale and plan my meals from there.

#4. Take control of the laundry! Clean clothes will be put away and not stored in their baskets. Man this has been a goal forever! The first problem is we don't have enough room for all the girls clothes. With all 3 of them in one bedroom and only 1 dresser and 1 armoire to share, the girls end up getting only a drawer-and-a-half eacsh and a teeny-tiny space for hanging their dresses.

#5. Finish up projects that are already in the works, starting with this wreath

bedding for the kiddo's
under-the-bed storage boxes
fabric totes for the kids toys
mitten clips for the kids
baby doll accessories for our new babies
dish towels and wash cloths
bibs for the baby
start and finish the girls baby books (which reminds me, I still owe a scrapbook to my sister-in-law, sorry!)

#6. Get the baby to sleep through the night. I want to say buh-bye to 12, 2 & 4am nursing sessions. She is almost 10 months old & as plump as can be. There is no reason she is still getting momma milk 3X a night, except the fact that I hate to hear her cry and that she wakes up 2 others in the middle of the night.

So I have a lot of work ahead of me. It seems a bit overwhelming, but one thing at a time and one area per week. I'll let you know how I do and sorry, most of the tutorials and craftiness you will be seeing from me over the next month or two will revolve around me and my plans for 2011. And as far as my etsy shop... it may or may not be shut down for a bit.

So what are your plans for 2011?


  1. Good luck with your goals! I hear you on the baby feedings. My youngest didn't stop nursing during the night until 22 months...I felt like a zombie.

  2. Oh gosh. the laundry. I don't mind doing it. I'll even fold it. But I HATE putting it away. And lots of times it sits (at least folded) in the basket. For a few days. No lie. I need to work on putting it away! In a timely matter! :)


  3. I love your plans:) and remember when you get overwhelmed it is a YEAR long list:) ooooo great work with the fridge;) I need to do mine and I too would peek at it lots!!!
    I also wanted to tell you I understand completely about night nursing and not wanting baby to cry or wake a sibling. I just stopped nursing my 22minth old at night... Only beause of those reasons... I would have done it long ago... Finally daddy stole the little guy and slept with him one night and then I knew ok it's time...
    So be patient with yourself and her... Even though I'm sure you can be done in a few months....
    Have a great day:)

  4. Great goals! Good luck! I altered a frame and use it as a dry erase board in my kitchen for my meal planning and love it. Every morning DH and I look at it and decide what we want for dinner.

  5. Ha!!! Kindred spirits. I have some of the same goals (problems)--laundry--UGH, don't get me started... it's usually always in laundry and then me yelling at someone that they just put dirty clothes in a basket of clean clothes--HA! Meals... always thinking around 4--"what are we going to eat". So many projects and areas to organize. Fortunately, not nursing anymore... but my 16 mo old is not sleeping regularly... so... Happy New Year Friend!!

  6. my plan is for you to come live with me and help me get my life organized!!! =) miss you!

  7. your kidding me girl! you are the most organized person i know, just look at your baby bag:)
