Friday, January 21, 2011

My newly organized sewing storage area.

This post is for all you that live like we do, in a TEENY-TINY space. So every little area needs to be used wisely yet still look cute to keep me happy while living through our renovations.

As I said a few weeks ago my goal for the few weeks is to get organized and for everything to have its own place. So far the kitchen is organized and might I say I LOVE it! Now why haven't I don't this sooner?! Today I decided to tackle my sewing storage area today. Sadly the only area I am able to store all of my sewing goodies and fabric in is two dressers that are located in the corner of our kitchen. See my little sewing world?

This picture doesn't really show the awful truth. If you were to pull out those drawers you would have seen complete madness! The drawers were stuffed full of fabric and was so unorganized. Every time I opened a drawer something fell out, or better yet, the drawers would never close. Like I said complete madness!

You can't really see it, but in between the two dressers there is a little storage space where I kept all my bolts of fabric. And let's be honest here, it was also full of newly purchased materials stacked so high they would keep falling off the dressers. Well there may have been some unfinished projects and lots and lots of fabric scraps thrown up there too, UGH!
So yes, I needed to gain control of this spot, but how? Not having another place to store my bolts I needed to come up with something that would keep my bolts clean, neatly organized and of course cute. Then a thought came to me, why not make bags for my bolts...BRILLIANT! This way I could keep using that space in between the dressers and not have all of my bolts stored in garbage bags like they were before. I even had the perfect fabric. I had a huge curtain valance that I bought months ago because it was cheap and the fabric was so pretty. Perfect... free! So while the kiddo's were eating lunch I sewed up 4 bags for my bolts.

The design is totally basic and was very quick to do. Just a large drawstring bag. I used my Dollar Store ribbon to pull them closed.

Some of my fabrics were still on the bolt, but for the ones that weren't I just wrapped them around a wrapping paper roll. Then I placed two rubber bands around the fabric to keep it secure before I placed the fabric into the bags.

This cute little metal bucket was hiding in that mess and now It holds all of my bolts perfectly.

And now they are nicely stored behind my two dressers. I still have a little room in there so I might make a few more bags to hold some of my large templets or for future fabric purchases.

And here are my newly organized drawers.

Do the baskets look familiar? Yes, the Dollar Store. I bought all they had in sight, and have even driven to a few different locations to snag them all up. Hey, if I going to be cheap and organized, I at least want them all to match and look cute. Am I right?

My drawers are now filled with neatly organized fabric. I organized all of my fabric by wrapping the fabric around these comic book boards. Thank you to this blogger that posted this amazing way of organizing your fabric!

And yes, the dreaded scrap drawer. There is no way to keep this one organized! If you have found a way please share it with me.

So there we have it, my newly organized sewing storage area and I only spent a total of $23! So yes, I may live in a small space but I can still be organized. And let me tell you, I LOVE my new little storage area and it feels great to have put an end to the madness in those drawers!
So what does your sewing storage area look like? Are you lucky enough to have a whole sewing room?


  1. Great job hun! Love the bags for your bolts! I think it was Maggie from Smashed Peas and Carrots who told us all about the comic book boards! I love that idea as well.
    I keep all my scraps in a cute white filing box from Ikea and the ones that are a size between a fat quarter and a really small scrap I fold up in kind of a roll fold and keep in a drawer (you could use a basket) so I can see them all. One of my readers left a link for these cute printable wraps you cut out and write the measurement of the fabric on and you tape around the fabric so it's all neat and organized. Everyone's ideas were listed on this post (part two).

  2. Fabulous fabrics!!! And very organised too!!

  3. my "sewing room" is in the corner of my bedroom...
    and i have since re-re-organized to make it even better!

  4. Wow - you have so many things - and it looks so clean!!! Love it

  5. i SEW envy you right about now! we have a spare bedroom, but all of my sewing stuff is thrown in a closet or kept in an 18 gallon tote. i wish i had my own little sewing room, but have totally inspired me to find some dressers like yours so that I can get my little space organized too!

  6. Oooh, nice organizing! I am so ashamed to admit that my sewing room is a complete and utter disaster. I too am space- challenged, and I just haven't taken the time to figure out what to do to make it all work. Thanks for sharing your ideas- I will have to start the process in my crafty room.

  7. Ooooh lala! So much colorful eye candy! Great space! Great post! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing!

