Thursday, January 20, 2011

embrace the camera {playing tractors}

My little guys favorite thing to do is play with these cheap little tractors that santa brought him. It occupies our time for hours a day, most days of the week. He begged me to go out and get some grass to play with. Somehow he had forgotten we had a foot of snow on the ground. So I went into the cupboards in search of the perfect hay and grass. Thankfully, he was loved what I came up with. So here we are playing with hay (spaghetti) and grass or sometimes it's cow poop (rice).

This little tractor is permanently implanted in his hands. Seriously, we can't go anywhere without it.

Once our missy girl woke up, she joined in on the fun. All was well for a bit, til she decided to eat the grass. When I told him that his sister was eating the grass, he says "No, that's not grass... that's cow poop!" Of course it was! That little missy girl just shook her head "naww," shrugged her shoulders, and went on eating it. Gosh, I love that girl!
Yup, as you can imagine that caused a lot of drama, and quickly all of the rice was on the floor.

Which lead us to our second favorite thing to with momma's vacuum. Wow, our days are eventful and so exciting. Guess that is the day of a stay-at-home momma, at least this ones!

Don't forget to enter the giveaway, it ends today!


  1. That is too much fun!! Your children are precious - I have a 3 yr old grandson that does the same thing with his Hot Wheels and Monster Trucks - carries them in his little hands all day!! Hates to put them down!

  2. Ha ha! That's hilarious! Eating imaginary cow poop is okay.

  3. These photos are so fun! Playing with food and tractors - love it!!

  4. came over from the anderson crew...
    what a great idea to let your kiddos play with rice and such! you are a fun mom! :)

  5. How fun is that! I never would have thought to use rice and pasta!

  6. Hi! I love your blog and have a blog award to pass along if you would like to participate :)

  7. I just found your blog and it is adorable! Blogging is so much fun and I love Embrace the Camera Thursday and sharing my pictures and looking at everyone else's!

    I would love if you would check out my blog @ Have a wonderful day and keep posting the adorable pictures!

  8. That looks like so much fun! I wanna play ;)

  9. So great! What is it with little boys and poop?

  10. Oh i can't wait until my daughter is old enough to play with my vacuum...and really deep clean. lol
