Friday, January 7, 2011

embrace the camera {hide and seek}

Embrace the camera and capture memories of you and your little ones!

So here we are, a day late to the party, but we have been doing some MAJOR organizing and cleaning! Plus I had to finish up this tutorial for ya'll! I used mine last night, and yup FABULOUS!

So like I said our days have been spent cleaning and reorganizing. Surprisingly the kids have been a huge help. They have been putting in major miles back and forth from mommy to the trash. Lucky for me, they think it's fun. But once that gets too old, they beg me to stop for a few games of hide and seek. For those of you that know my little guy, you know that he can be RELENTLOUS and for my sanity, I have to give in.

So we play hide and seek!

My little girl always hides with me and we always hide in the same spot. You know the unfinished hole in the wall that is under our stairs? Yeah that is where we hide, yeah, its fun. I cramm my behind into this tiny little hole in the wall and have to sit on top of all the toys that are piled in there. Then my little girl plumps her little body onto my lap. We sit and giggle while brother does his counting. Then he pretends to look for us while he sings "dashing through the stores with a chipmunks Christmas song" (I don't know where that came from but nonetheless it makes me smile everytime he sings it.)

"Oh no, he found us again!" Duh, we hide he everytime!

But the best part was when this little munchkin joined in on the game. She usually sits there watching as we run around playing, but not anymore.

Because brother was hiding right behind her and she was going to find him!

AWW, he was so surprised when he saw that it was his baby sister that found him and not us. Oh and that little girls face was priceless!

"All right, game over guys... who want's to throw this in the trash for momma?!"



"Hey, where are you?"...

"hidin', hee hee!"

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