Monday, January 24, 2011

Daydreaming of warmer days.

So this morning when we woke up the thermometer read -28'. Thanks right, 28' below zero! Besides having to go out side to get the eggs and go to the wood pile, we are going to stay in our J's and not leave the house till the temperature rises above zero. Looking out at our swing set I was daydreaming of warmer weather and summer days spent outside with the kiddo's. So instead of playing on the swing set we did a little perusing for some accessories for it. Of course the first place I went to browse was CSN stores. And who would have known, but they actually have a store for swing sets. That's right, a store for everything you would ever need for your swing set and more!

Of course the kiddo's saw what I was doing and had to peruse too. Here is what the kiddo's wanted.

this climbing cargo net

(ok, so maybe I want this one too!)

While I love what the kiddo's chose, I would rather have one of these!

I can already see myself sitting in this swing wearing my flip-flops and capris watching the kiddo's run around in the warm sun. Of course I would have to sew a cute little cushion to go on it first. Ok, sorry about that, now back to reality...

Aww yes, there it is... REALITY!

Oh well, a girl can dream right? Thank you CSN stores for helping us daydream a little today! So which one would you buy? I know, your just like me and you would choose whatever the kids wanted. Am I right?


  1. Oh how I dream of a playset like you have for your kiddos! I'd LOVE to have one that nice! I've been wanting a front porch swing for some time too! Alas...not such luck! Wishing for good garage sale luck this year for one though! ;-)

  2. Our kids recently got a very basic swing set for Christmas with the idea that we could add to it as they got older.

    I love the 'turbo slide' and bring on the babysitter swing!

  3. looks like we both had the same

  4. Oh really you gotta go with the swing:)
