Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Operation Give Thanks.

I have been wanting to share this with all of you for awhile now and with it being Veteran's Day today, I think today is the perfect day to do so.

Do you remember awhile back when I mentioned that I was going to be donating 25 burp cloths to Operation Shower? Well here is a little peek of my burp cloths in those AMAZING boxes. As I mentioned earlier, these boxes are made up for pregnant women who's husbands are deployed, and may or may not be home in time for the birth. Operation Shower, "showers" these deserving women with the most amazing party and baby gifts.

That is just a tiny peak of what is inside the boxes. The boxes are filled with a diaper bag, toys, books, clothes, and whatever else a new mom would need. But, with most wonderful organizations, they are in need of money to keep this organization going. So recently they started Operation Give Thanks to help raise money to fund Operation Shower.

What Is Operation Give Thanks?

"Operation Give Thanks is a nation-wide fundraising campaign to help Operation Shower continue our mission to throw amazing baby showers for military families to ease the burden of deployment. We are asking people across the nation to host a party, big or small, between now and the end of the year to raise money for Operation Shower. What a wonderful way to express your gratitude and thanks at this special time of year — and have fun!
Our long-term goal is to reach every military base in the nation. Our short-term goal is to raise $50,000 through Operation Give Thanks to enable us to shower over 200 more moms-to-be ! That’s right, if you raise $250 for Operation Shower, that helps us to throw a full amazing baby shower with gifts for a military mom to be whose spouse is deployed!"

So who is up for a party?
Look what it can do.

Not able to throw a party? Me neither, but don't worry there are so many other ways to help out.

Click to see how you can help out or to learn more about Operation Shower and Operation Give Thanks.

And huge THANK YOU to all of the men and women serving our country and to their families as well, because you too sacrifice so much for us.

And an extra special thanks to B & A, we love you guys!


  1. How awesome! I live surrounded by military bases and yet have never heard of Operation Shower, but it makes SO MUCH sense. So great to hear there's something supportive of our new moms.
