Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wanna come to a tea party?

luvinthemommyhood is having a tea party. Don't worry coffee drinkers are invited too. Head on over to lovinthemommyhood to check out all the details.

My mornings always start with this beautiful mug filled with coffee (cream and sugar) and with this view from our kitchen. These two things get me through the day. I need the coffee for the caffeine and the view to remind me why we ever bought this house.

It would be rude to go to a party empty handed right?

Homemade doughnuts anyone?

Come join in the party. I'm sure it will be fun!


  1. hahaha, too cute! What a view girl! So pretty! Thanks for bringing some goodies - come on in, we've been waiting for you :)

  2. That is your view from your kitchen???? WOW!! *slowly turning green*

  3. Love that picture of your view, actually I enjoy all your pictures, your children are absolutely adorable!

  4. Yum, homemade donuts! Makes me think about baking again...love the mug too!
