Monday, July 26, 2010

Sorry for the lack of craft tutorials but this is why...

The garden needs to be picked EVERYDAY.
And whatever we don't eat fresh daily, I am canning, baking, or freezing it.
Plus, I have a little farm stand where I put out some of our garden goodies for others to enjoy. I'm planning on posting about that later. I have to share with you my latest creation with Mod Podge.

And I have been busy baking all of these...
(click on pictures for recipes)

Because Grampa brought us all of these...

About 3 gallons of fresh blueberries!
Oh and we also...
put up more siding on the barn, and
I finally organized and made a craft storage area for myself.
PHEW! It was a busy weekend. They always are.
Hope your enjoying your busy summer!


  1. WOW. That looks amazing! What sweet photos too. Wish I had three gallons of blueberries to use up;)

  2. Amazing garden. SO envious. I think the thing that is so hard about living where we do is that the abundance comes all at once -- and at a time when the outdoors is calling us! Blueberries abound here, too - so, check out Mainelyhome this week for blueberry ideas :)

  3. Got to say I envy your garden. Looks awesome though

  4. way to go grampa! did you give him a bucket of radishes in return?? ;) our garden is fried, thanks to the 90-100 degree heat we've had for past FOUR WEEKS. we're so ready to escape. see you soon!! =)p.s. i love the pants/shirt!
