Thursday, July 29, 2010

embrace the camera {searching for cows}

Join us.

Searching for Uncle P's cows always begins the same way. With a trip to Mc Donald's for juice boxes and an ice coffee.

We sit patiently waiting for the cows to come off the mountain, while rocking out to kids tunes and drinking our drinks.

No sign of any cows today. But we were were lucky enough to find a little treat growing in Grampa's yard.

While we never know what we are going to find when we set out to search for Uncle P's cows. The beginings and endings are ALWAYS the same.

There is ALWAYS one happy boy awake, still chattering away...

while she is ALWAYS sound asleep with both juice boxes...

and I am ALWAYS thankful that we are easily entertained by a $3.95 trip to Mc Donald's and an hour of searching for Uncle P's cows!


  1. Love, love, love these adorable pics! And the simple outing too. Sounds like something we'd do ;)

    Where in New England are you? I grew up in MA, went to college in Maine ... and never left.

  2. i love your posts, always!
    ya'll do such fun thing!

  3. love the last one... and of course the one of a knocked out baby passed out on 2 boxes of juice! LOL so cute!

  4. Babies sleeping in carseats are the best. If only I could figure out how to take them out without waking them!

  5. So sweet! Your babies are scrumptious. especially love that cheeky grin.
