Friday, July 16, 2010

6 years ago today.

We purchased our first home. You know one of those fixer-uppers? That's an understatement!! To those of you that know us, know what I'm talking about. Our house was built sometime in the 1870's and was in sad, sad, sad shape. Our realtor suggested we tare it down and start from scratch, but for some reason we saw potential in this old house. Or it was more likely of a case of being young, dumb and in love. While most days starting from scratch would have been the better option, we still see the potential behind all that old rotted wood.

So here I sit, painting away. My goal was to have the house painted by now, but you know how that goes. 3 kids require my attention just as much as this house does. While the majority of the house is covered in new clappboards, we still have a huge amount of old wood that needs to be scrapped, sanded, sealed, primed and painted.
So I better get to work,
well, here's to another 3 weeks!!

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